The Never-ending Conversations Between Truly Happy Women
2:10 with intermission
Date of premiere
Dec. 27, 2019
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“Love is patiEnt,
love is kInd.
love is not Angry
love does not Envy
does not Envy
always PatiEnt
always kInd
never Angry”

… swift and sudden shifts in the air from drafts, dust floating in abandoned apartments, unforgettable tears… powder sprinkled on makeup tables, honey dripping from a broken jar, the stench of cheap rail cars, bitter dreams, raped illusions, frightened faith, and handicapped hopes….All of these emanations and scents, they are as pointed as icicles, the feelings hidden beyond a blizzard of words, the whispered warnings, the silenced howls, the delirious love sighs, and the betraying figures—all of them create the energetic field for Buchenwald Cabaret at the Les Kurbas Theatre. The author of this text (which taken as the long confession of a single heroine, but also as a mosaic of the memories and confessions of many women) is the theatre Magi and investigator KLIM, an old friend to the Kurbas Theatre. His titling the work “Buchenwald” was probably not meant to scandalize or shock anyone in particular…it sooner draws its inspiration from the Book of Jonah, Tarkovsky’s film Mirror and Dante’s Divine Comedy. But first and foremost, KLIM’s own fragments— unorthodox, equally weighted and unique--form the delicate and whimsical plot of Buchenwald Cabaret….Buchenwald, of course, is a metaphor….In Volodymyr Kuchynsky’s production, do not expect to see SS rifles…but rather how the [different stories of the] concentration camp reveals the individual selfish egotism of a person’s internal world, its vengeful and its grateful memories, its deep-seated images and betrayals, its unseen bond to its ancestors, its demented dreams and shattered hopes. In truth all the monologues of this Cabaret are about what you hold onto, how you want to be freed from it, and how you are obliged to carry it with you always. It is in fact a very tragic story. But this production is conversely bright and even optimistic…as the heroine confesses the spirit of her soul, hoping to be heard.
Serhiy Vasyliev

it alwAys
goes to mEet you
it peers into your Eyes
and waits for you
to go meet it
to meet yourself
it wants to see
that you
are happY
everyone wants
to see your smile happY
at your mEeting
your happIness”

Director—Volodymyr Kuchynsky
Scenographer - Volodymyr Stetskovych
Costume Designer—Yulia Rybka-Koval
Music Direction—Oles Okval
Movement Coach—Daryna Turash

Tetyana Kaspruk
Oksana Kozakevych
Mariya Oneshchak
Natalia Rybka-Parkhomenko

Tango performers:
Andriy Petruk
Valeria Petruk
Andriy Lan
